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"Are You Driven or Dragged? How to Harness Motivation for Success"

Happy Monday, World!

Recently, I’ve been thinking deeply about what I say yes to and how I spend my time. This reflection spans friendships, networking events, and creative projects. One standout moment in this journey was joining #KindnessWorldwide as a global ambassador and being part of their educational team. It was a no-brainer, a decision that felt right on every level, and I know that my journey there has just begun - with the sky being the limit to what we collectively accomplish, as it is a movement. 

But through this process, I stumbled upon a crucial question that everyone, not just entrepreneurs, should ask themselves: Are we dragged or driven?

Dragged or Driven?

In a world where our time and attention are our most valuable currencies, it's all too easy to get swept away by the endless demands and opportunities around us. But there’s a profound difference between being dragged and being driven. Being dragged means we’re pulled along by external forces, obligations, and other’s expectations. It’s a reactive state, where our actions are dictated by circumstances instead of our own will.

Being driven, however, means we’re propelled by an inner purpose, passion, and a clear sense of direction. It’s about making conscious choices that align with our values and goals. When driven, we are in control, steering our lives towards meaningful destinations. 

The Power of Intentional Choices

Saying yes to everything can lead to burnout and overwhelm, and I see this with my clients, especially my solopreneurs, who try to manage it all. (I get it)! At the same time, it’s crucial to recognize that every yes carries an opportunity cost. By saying yes to one thing, we’re inevitably saying no to something else. This is why intentionality in our choices is so important. (Read that again)! 

For me, joining Kindness Worldwide was a decision aligned with my core values. It’s an organization that embodies the principles I strive to live by, and being part of their educational team is a natural extension of my passion for personal and collective growth. This decision was driven by a sense of purpose, not by external pressures.

Embracing a Creative Phase

I am currently in a super creative phase, which has been incredibly fulfilling. Saying yes to speaking on podcasts like the ? Y ahora Podcast has been a thrilling journey. For innovative educators, that's your go-to podcast, by the way! As a guest, I look forward to sharing more about kindness on The Kindness Factor podcast and sharing my thoughts on the power of mindset. At the end of the day, it’s all about mindset, but you probably already know that if you follow my work. These opportunities express my core beliefs and passions and drive me forward enthusiastically.

Lastly, I’m excited to announce the creation of a social media channel dedicated to my mindset coaching practice. This platform will offer an open invitation to founders and creatives with projects or ideas that need an accelerated boost. I’ve realized that I thrive on ambiguity and can champion those almost ready to take action but need that final push to cross the finish line. As "Coach K," your hype and accelerator coach, I’m here to help accelerate your visions into reality.

Applying This to All Aspects of Life

The concept of being dragged versus being driven isn’t limited to entrepreneurs. It’s relevant to anyone navigating life’s myriad choices. Whether deciding which social events to attend, which projects to take on, or even which friendships to nurture, we must ask ourselves: Are we making these choices out of genuine desire and alignment, or are we being pulled along by current external expectations?

A Call to Action

I challenge you to take a moment and reflect on your own life. Look at the things you’ve said yes to recently. Are these choices dragging you or driving you? Are they aligned with your values and your vision for your life, or are they merely responses to external demands? We can reclaim our time, energy, and focus by making this distinction. We can ensure that our actions are purposeful and that our lives are driven by our inner compass. This isn’t just a practice for entrepreneurs or leaders but for anyone who wants to live a life of intentionality and fulfillment.

In conclusion, remember that every yes is a commitment to your most valuable resources: your time and energy. Ensure your yeses drive you towards your true goals rather than dragging you away. The power to choose is yours, and with it, the power to truly shape your life! 


Coach Ms.K - Your HYPE Coach!



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