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Did I lose my ability to trust?

Happy Thursday, World!

I rarely post in the evening, but #creativity for an entrepreneur isn't linear, and this message came to me in an odd download from the universe, so I knew it was worthwhile to share.

Amid a tranquil evening, I ponder the intricate web of relationships that have intertwined within my life. During this reflective moment, a profound realization emerges, laden with vulnerability and truth: it feels as though I have lost my capacity to trust people in life.

This awareness, though unsettling, will probably mark a new #selfdiscovery journey for me.

I've always felt that #self-awareness and #transformation are the cornerstones of growth, and my journey to unravel my trust issues commences with introspection. Ultimately, I thought that within the recesses of my consciousness, there are painful memories and scars that have profoundly shaped my perception of trust, and why I probably have these feelings coming to me on a random September evening.......

As I remind my clients, and now must do for myself too,"the unexamined life is not worth living." We must examine our lives, courageously confronting moments of betrayal, disappointment, and heartache to find the deeper meaning of our lived experiences.

Let me be totally real with you for a moment. I know that trust is a seriously challenging process. I have built protective walls around my heart, a fortress to shield myself from the possibility of getting hurt again. However, as I delve deeper into self-discovery, I realize that these walls are not protecting me but imprisoning me.

my 5 Key Takeaways Currently on Trust

Self-examination is the First Step

To heal and rebuild trust, one must first embark on a journey of self-examination. Confronting past experiences and acknowledging their impact is the initial step towards understanding and healing trust issues. Ask yourself: What is something heavy weighing on your heart, that you wish you could talk to someone about or share?

Forgiveness is a Transformative Power

There is a transformative power of forgiveness that resonates with me. I begin to forgive not only those who have caused me pain but also myself for carrying the burden of mistrust for so long. Forgiveness is a gateway to releasing the heavy weight of the past. Ask yourself: Who are you willing to forgive, today?

Trust Begins with Self

Rebuilding trust starts with trusting oneself. Listening to your heart, honoring your feelings, and respecting your boundaries lay the foundation for re-establishing trust, both in yourself and in others. - As I say this, what's hard to admit is that I trust myself more and more these days, yet everyone around me is less and less, even those who I thought were extremely close to me. Ask yourself: Who would you like to share something with because in your heart of hearts, you know you can trust them?

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

I choose to surround myself with people who genuinely care for my well-being, people who demonstrate through their actions that trust can be a living, breathing reality. Positive, trustworthy influences can help one see that trust is a reciprocal and beautiful exchange. Ask yourself: Who are you spending time with that drains you, and who do you spend time with that fulfills you?

Trust is a Gradual Unfolding

Trust is not a binary switch that can be turned on or off at will. It is a delicate dance, a gradual opening of the heart, a courageous act of vulnerability. Trust is not about being naive; it's about allowing oneself to be open to the possibility of connection, even in the face of past disappointments. Ask yourself: Who is the one person you feel most comfortable with that comes to mind, and what would you share with today if fear didn't get in the way?

As I continue on my journey, I find solace in knowing: "To trust people is to have faith in humanity; to trust life is to have faith in the process."

I maintain faith that, with time, patience, and self-compassion, my capacity to trust will be restored. In the meantime, I walk this path with an open heart, embracing the beauty of vulnerability and the potential for deeper connections with others, and also acknowledge that for whatever reason, now is a harder emotional time than others.

As you ponder these words, I encourage you to reflect on your own trust journey. Perhaps you, too, have grappled with moments of doubt and uncertainty. Know that you are not alone and that healing is attainable.

May we all find the courage to trust again, to mend our wounded hearts, and to embrace the beauty of human connection.

Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable and honest, even in these moments when I know what to do, and how to act, yet I find it incredibly hard to take my own "advice."


Coach Ms.K - ✨There is Only One You, and That is Your Magic.



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