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Leave Your fear behind today

Start today - and continue tomorrow.

Happy Sunday, World!

Ideas have been flowing through me. Recently, I mentioned that I am working on my calmness and presence this year. New things are happening, and I am even more spontaneous than ever - trusting that whatever appears has its place and meaning.

Yesterday - I walked the streets of London without a goal - a plan - or a destination. It was all about getting lost in the moment, as I knew that everything I needed was with me at the given moment. The experience was enough, but more importantly, #I am enough.

An added benefit of my newfound calmness? I am circling back to my writing. I've had endless useless inner dialogues with myself that I do not have time to write, but that's BS and an excuse. We have time for what truly matters - or I can confidently say I do.

What am I learning about myself in this writing process?

1.) Staying open to inspiration is vital. It's what leads me to my creativity – aka sharing my voice. The cool thing about inspiration is that it can come from anywhere - nature, cuisine, a genuine conversation, a new ritual, or an art exhibit. The list is endless. I remain curious and keep wondering about life - and the older I get, the more I realize there is SO MUCH more to discover and experience. Sometimes it feels like I am just getting started. Woot - Woot!:)

2.) Writing needs to become part of my daily routine to make it a habit that 'sticks.' Like brushing my teeth and showering are part of my daily routine –writing has to be too. Good news that takes off the pressure? I'm not here to become the next Stephen King. (FYI – he said the #1 reason he is so successful is since he writes daily from 7-11 AM. Thanks, Stephen – this leaves lots of hope for the rest of us!

3.) No distractions when writing – AKA my phone and Apple Watch. There are WAY too many temptations to check it, to get distracted, and lose my train of thought. It's like when you are on a diet, yet you stock up the fridge with everything you shouldn't eat. I've heard from some of the mentally most robust people (David Goggins) that even he gives into the temptations if opportunities exist.

Therefore - Why set yourself up for failure when you want to succeed? My gadget(s) hold me back, so I've learned they can be nowhere close to me during these sacred moments. I have been living in 'Do Not Disturb' mode for the longest time – but at this point, I am taking this one step further and removing all the objects from my vicinity.

3 Key Takeaways:

1.) Don't buy into the noise. I have heard a lot about this notion that people don't 'read' anymore or that reading is out. "Who reads anymore?" "No one has time for that." I'm afraid I have to disagree. I read tons of blogs and books -and - YES, I also listen to podcasts. Both bring different values to my life. I could never imagine not reading – just as I could not imagine a walk without listening to my favorite podcast. If you were wondering, it is The Diary of a CEO by Steven Bartlett.)

2.) Don't believe people are too 'busy' as a reason to hold you back from sharing your thoughts. Society tells us a lot of face theories that distract us from what matters. Follow whatever feels right to you. Remember, #authenticityalwayswins.

3.) Try to leave your fear behind. Fear is the main factor that keeps us from achieving our wildest dreams. We always think that someone else is better than us – knows more than us – looks better than us - (especially on social media)– but imagine what would be possible if we did not let that fear get in the way?

Here is my kind ask for today: Ask yourself a few of these questions:

What would you do if no one was watching?
What if you stopped listening to the voice inside your head that told you - you are not worthy or good enough?
What if you did the things that gave you energy and a true sense of purpose – not what society dictated you to do?
What do you truly want in this journey of life?

I am constantly inspired by people that dare to lead their lives fearlessly and vulnerably. Thank you, Brene Brown. I have been saying this for a while, and if there is one thing I believe in my core, vulnerability is our greatest superpower.

A glimpse of inspiration:

No one cares that much about anything these days. This may sound harsh – but it's here to serve as a positive reminder much more than a negative one. Due to the hurried and rushed world we live in today and thanks to endless distractions from social media – attention spans are around 7 seconds-(yup, an elephant's attention span) – so no one cares that much anymore to shred you apart for sharing what you think/feel. And if they do, though? Wish them compassion on their journey. #whocares

Final Thought

If TODAY was the day you were considering starting your new blog – your new podcast –YouTube or TikTok channel – do it. Channel in that Nike energy today. The most successful people I know leave fear outside the door and stop worrying about what others think.

Perfection is an allusion, so don't fall into that false trap. The way to mastery is to keep trying; effort goes beyond perfection. I promise.

What idea or project have you wanted to start if you did not let fear get in the way? I am curious to hear.




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